Speak up for free speech

The Charter protects the right of the pro-life community to be a voice for voiceless pre-born children, but governments and abortion advocates are trying to suppress the pro-life message.

Find out how you can defend our voice!

What’s happening?

Abortion advocates are lobbying governments to restrict pro-life speech

Hamilton, Ontario

In November 2023, the City of Hamilton passed a motion (p. 5) calling for a report on restricting any leaflets or signage with fetal imagery. The report is expected Spring 2024, at which point there will be a public participation meeting.

Contact us if you’re willing to speak at the meeting.

Region of Niagara

The Region of Niagara has discussed a sweeping by-law restricting “graphic imagery” on the streets. Their report for their upcoming July 10 meeting is now available here, and was received without any further action at this time, awaiting the outcome of litigation in St. Catharines.

London, Ontario

The City of London passed a by-law in 2022 restricting the distribution of leaflets with fetal imagery to residences. Many other municipalities copied this by-law, and the City of London exploring options for restricting fetal imagery on the streets.

However, on July 24, 2024, London City Council voted down further exploration of a streets by-law, realizing there was no Charter-compliant way to restrict fetal imagery across the city.

An identical flyer by-law is being challenged in court in St. Catharines, the outcome of which could affect London’s by-law and any other municipalities that adopted their approach.

    Toronto, Ontario

    In July 2023, the City of Toronto passed a motion calling for a report on restricting any leaflets or signage with fetal imagery.

    The report was delivered on April 16, 2024, and advises against passing any by-laws.

    Oakville, Ontario

    The Town of Oakville has been exploring adopting a flyer by-law targeting fetal imagery, however the June 17, 2024 report (p. 189) advises against passing such a by-law until the result of the legal challenge in St. Catharines.

    Other municipalities have recently passed by-laws restricting pro-life flyers, such as Calgary, Okotoks (pg. 8), Strathmore, Woodstock (pg. 530), and St. Catharine’s (pg. 46). The City of St. Catharine’s is facing a legal challenge over their by-law, which would affect them all.

    Take action!

    Make sure councillors hear from the pro-life movement

    Sign, email, and if you’re a constituent, meet with your councillor

    2. Email City Council

    Councillors need to hear from as many pro-lifers as possible. Email City Council no matter where you live across Canada, but especially if you work or live in these cities.

    Click the links below to use ARPA’s Simple Mail tool to email city councillors.

    3. Meet with your Councillor

    If you are a constituent, reach out to your councillor to request a meeting.

    Other ways to help

    There are more ways to speak up, and we all need to contribute. Are you part of a pro-life group that could write a letter expressing concern? Are you willing to speak up at a public participation meeting? Contact us!

    Use your voice

    Abortion advocates are trying to restrict the voice of the pro-life movement, and cover up photos of healthy pre-born children and abortion victims.

    We need our voice to speak up on behalf of voiceless pre-born children.

    Now is the time to use your voice to defend pro-life speech!

    Contact us if you need help getting starting or have any questions

    “The very heart of freedom of expression”

    R. v. Spratt, 2008 BCCA 340

    In R. v. Spratt, the BC Court of Appeal said that communicating beliefs about the meaning and value of human life lies at the very heart of freedom of expression

    Contact Us

    Questions? Need help?
    Let us know and we’ll help you to defend our voice!